electric children's car parts exporters

  发布时间:2024-05-16 12:30:52   作者:玩站小弟   我要评论
Police officers from Xizang's immigration administration department are awarded the medals for guard electric children's car parts exporters。
Police officers from Xizang's immigration administration organ are awarded the medals for guarding border security on April 2,<strong>electric children's car parts exporters</strong> 2024. Photo: WeChat account of the National Immigration Administration

Police officers from Xizang's immigration administration department are awarded the medals for guarding border security on April 2, 2024. Photo: WeChat account of the National Immigration Administration

A total of 1,422 immigration administration police officers were honored with medals on Tuesday in recognition of their outstanding contribution to safeguarding national security and maintaining border stability.

The medals were presented by the National Immigration Administration (NIA) and its subsidiary immigration administration departments, and were established after being approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council.

According to the NIA, the police officers from China's immigration administration departments have faithfully fulfilled the responsibilities and missions, making a significant contribution to safeguarding national political security and border stability. Police officers from Xinjiang, Xizang, and Yunnan were awarded the medals, the NIA said via its official WeChat account.

"In the 20 years that I have spent guarding the border, I have always felt a strong sense of responsibility. This commemorative medal is not just an honor, but also a commitment. I see it as a new beginning, a chance to continue upholding and promoting the values of loyalty and dedication," said a police officer Liu Can from Southwest China's Yunnan Province.

The medals contain major elements including five stars, Great Wall passes, shields, olive branches and snowdrops. As per regulations, the medals will be awarded annually to immigration administration police officers who have served in remote and harsh areas of border regions. Officers who have given 10, 20 and 30 years of service will be awarded bronze, silver and gold medals respectively.

This marks the second time the country presented the medal, an honorary award for immigration administration workers. In April 2023, the national immigration authorities awarded medals to the first batch of 8,487 police officers in commemoration of their exemplary work and efforts in guarding China's border regions.

Global Times


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